Website Design
A new brand design and website project for Secret Garden Rooms. Since the global pandemic, we have all realised how much our homes mean to us. With many of us now working from home or appreciating home comforts more than before, people are spending more on home improvements.
Secret Garden Rooms have started their business after the rise in demand in outdoor garden structures. With that, they needed a logo, branding, and a website that shows off their signature range of rooms and specifications.
I designed a sophisticated gender neutral logo and branding to target their chosen audience. I also produced multiple illustrations of their garden rooms to use as digital assets. Finally, I designed and built a clean and informative website that works as a great starting point for the company. Hand drawn artwork across all design assets transferred the idea of a personal touch from start to finish. The site was designed in a way to easily grow and develop as the business does. From additional pages, blogs and finished garden rooms.
Explore projects similar to Secret Garden Rooms here.
Inspired by the Secret Garden Rooms Project? Are you looking to rebrand your business or in need of a website? Book in your 30-Minute Consultation with Chell Web & Design to find out how easy it is to get started.