Business Onboarding Form

Basic Information:

Please provide your business name, which will appear prominently on your website.
In a few sentences, tell us what your business is all about. This helps visitors quickly understand your purpose.
Describe the type of people or businesses you want to reach through your website.
Describe your location and the location of your audience / customers.

Inspiration For This Project:

Examples of sites you like or dislike allow me to better understand your design style. Please share links via URL or attach any images below.
Attach images of website features you like or dislike so I better understand your design style.

Team Information:

Please provide the names, positions, and brief bios of your team members.


List the main products or services you provide, and provide a brief description for each.


These are the pages that you'll have on your site.
This is text for your site that will sit on your pages.
If you have case studies or blog posts, please share the links or upload the documents here.
Attach files of the existing content you would like to keep on your website.
If you have images or videos you want to use, you can upload them here. High-resolution images work best.
If you have images or videos you want to use, you can upload them here. High-resolution images work best.

Social Media:

Share the links to your social media profiles if you want them integrated into your website.

Contact Information:

Share your contact details, so visitors can reach out to you. Also, let us know what information you'd like to collect from visitors through your website's contact form.

Call to Actions (CTAs):

Let us know what actions you want your website visitors to perform. These are typically buttons or links that guide visitors on what to do.


Attach images or files of your key branding elements and brand colours that you would like in your website based around.
Attach images or files of your key branding elements and brand colours that you would like in your website based around.

Additional Information:

If there's anything else you want us to know or any additional comments, please feel free to share.
Let us know your expected timeline for the website project and if there are any specific deadlines we should be aware of.

Form Info

If you’ve been sent to this page, that means we’re starting a new project together! We can’t wait to get started. However, before we do, we just want to find out a little more to make sure we produce exactly what you want and need. Every business is different, from industry to ethos to target audience and so much more.

In this form we’re going to ask you some questions about you, your business and the project we’re starting. Not every question will be relevant to you or your project, so answer as much as you can and but only what you feel is necessary.